When you get down to the Heart of the Matter, The Heart is What Matters! 一切都是想蘊在作怪

2013 August 23 0 By Tomas 黃炎

When you get down to the Heart of the Matter, The Heart is What Matters!

That is, the observer is what matters! The perspectives of the observers are what matters! Therefore, do not try to change others, change yourself! Change your perspectives and Be Happy! 即是說觀察者才是最重要的! 一切都是觀察者的想蘊在作怪!不要嘗試去改變别人,改變你自己吧!改變你自己的喜惡來變得開心吧!

The Sanctuary Organic: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=611795602176238&set=a.255228224499646.71068.254861974536271&type=1&theater


Observers’ ability in system theory系統論中觀察者之能力

reason of why to act 動之因由
(Yin supports 陰為陽之守)

power of how to act 動之表現
(Yang operates 陽為陰之使)

Observer 觀察者
(Yin supports)

awareness 覺知
(consciousness, cognition* )

perspective 看法,愛惡
(perception*, recognition )

Decision maker 決策者
(Yang operates)

Desire to achieve the idel balance state from current state according to
preferences, prejudices, ignorance and wisdom
(sensation* causing desire)

strategy 策略
(reaction* 反應; mental conditioning 心理條件)

*These four characters together with the physical body system (色) is said to be the five aggregates of human in the teaching of Buddha (Buddha 500BC a), (Buddha 500BC b) (Goenka 1987a) (Goenka 1987b). 色受想行識共為佛陀教導中的五蘊是我。