國際系統科學協會第57屆國際研討會 The 57th World Conference of the International Society for the Systems Sciences

2013 July 14 0 By Tomas 黃炎

國際系統科學協會第57屆國際研討會。The 57th World Conference of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS)

Curating the Conditions for a Thrivable Planet: Systemic Leverage Points for Emerging a Global Eco-Civilization
Hai Phong City, Viet Nam — 14-19 July 2013 http://isss.org/world/Hai_Phong_City_2013

ISSS Special Integration Groups:
Health and System thinking SIG: A systemic way of maintaining ourselves, each other, and the nature
健康與系統思維特別融合小組: 中醫辯證論治之系統思維與跨學科應用工作坊。

Spirituality and Systems SIG: System theory and our minds – a systemic way of understanding ourselves, each other, the nature, the past and future possibilities
靈性與系統特別融合小組: 佛法四聖諦八正道之系統思維與跨學科應用工作坊











