Healthcare Microsoft Ergonomic Keyboard 養生微軟人體工學鍵盤

2014 May 02 0 By Tomas 黃炎



我自己用人體工學鍵盤Ergonomic Keyboard 4000,因為有USB。我比較敏感,覺得#7000無線鍵盤始終有一點電磁波輻射,長時間使用會使人心煩氣躁!當然手提電腦的鍵盤更厲害,電腦底板就在鍵盤下面。

Have been using Ergonomic Keyboard for decades! It reduces the pressure on the wrist, elbow, neck and shoulder, and hence prevented lots of pain related disorder. It is much more expensive than normal keyboard but the difference is not enough for one pain therapy!

It is a must for the daily long-time users. At first you may find it is weird and make more typing mistake, but very soon you will find that you don’t want to type without it! Some people will buy it themselves to use at work, simply because the pain is on your shoulder but not on you boss’s!

I personally use Ergonomic Keyboard 4000 because is use USB connection. Wireless connection #7000 has more EMF radiation and it makes me feel annoyed when used for long time. Of course the keyboard on laptop is much worse because the computer mother board I just under the keyboard.

Buy it now 點去買哦!