References 參考文獻

(Fu and others, 2014)References used in our publications 我們的論文中曾經引用的參考文獻


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PALMER, K. (2016) Advanced Chinese Acupuncture Theory 04: A View of the Chinese Worldview based on the WorldSoul In: . Presented at the Holonomic Medicinal Theory,, USA. Comments:
PALMER, K. (2016) Advanced Chinese Acupuncture Theory 05: A Comparison of the Chinese and Western Worldviews In: . Presented at the Holonomic Medicinal Theory,, USA. Comments:
PALMER, K. (2000) Advanced Homeopathic and Acupuncture Theory and Beyond In: . Presented at the Holonomic Medicinal Theory,, USA. Comments:
PALMER, K. (2017)   1 How Homeopathy Works A Special Systems Theory Perspective on an Alternative Medicine that is complementary to Acupuncture In: . Presented at the Holonomic Medicinal Theory,, USA. Comments:
PALMER, K. (2017) A Deeper Reflection on How Homeopathy Works A Special Systems Theory Perspective on an Alternative Medicine that is complementary to Acupuncture In: . Presented at the Holonomic Medicinal Theory,, USA. Comments:
PALMER, K. (2017) Ruminations on How Homeopathy Works  An exploration of a Possible Mathematical Theory for a Heretical Traditional Medicine In: . Presented at the Holonomic Medicinal Theory,, USA. Comments:
PALMER, K. (2016) Mathematical Acupuncture Theory 01: Introduction In: . Presented at the Holonomic Medicinal Theory,, USA. Comments:
PALMER, K. (2014) Schemas Theory: Part One: Introduction In: . Presented at the Systems Science Foundations for Systems Engineering Practice, INCOSE IS 2014 Workshop, USA. Comments:
PALMER, K. (2014) Schemas Theory: Part Two: Philosophical Principles In: . Presented at the Systems Science Foundations for Systems Engineering Practice, INCOSE IS 2014 Workshop, USA. Comments:
PALMER, K. (2014) Schemas Theory: Part Three: Foundational Mathematical Categories In: . Presented at the Systems Science Foundations for Systems Engineering Practice, INCOSE IS 2014 Workshop, USA. Comments:
PALMER, K. (2014) Schemas Theory: Part Four: Emergent Meta‐Schemas In: . Presented at the Systems Science Foundations for Systems Engineering Practice, INCOSE IS 2014 Workshop, USA. Comments:
PALMER, K. (2014) Schemas Theory: Part Five: Emergent Schemas Design In: . Presented at the Systems Science Foundations for Systems Engineering Practice, INCOSE IS 2014 Workshop , USA. Comments:


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  • X.C. Fu M. Small and G.R. Chen. Propagation Dynamics on Complex Networks: Models, Methods and Stability, Wiley, 2014.(ISBN: 978-1-118-53450-2)
  • M. Small. Dynamics of Biological Systems., Mathematics and Computational Biology Series, Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2011. (ISBN 978-1-4398533-6-8).
  • M. Small. Information Technology and the Internet: The Kernel. McGraw-Hill, 2007. (ISBN 978-007-126567-6).
  • M. Small. Applied Nonlinear Time Series Analysis: Applications in Physics, Physiology and Finance. Nonlinear Science Series A, vol. 52. World Scientific, 2005. (ISBN 981-256-117-X).





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