Author: Tomas 黃炎

| Research Engineer, Health Educator. 研發工程師,養生教育工作者. | |-Bachelor of Medicine in Traditional Chinese Medicine – General Practice and TCM R&D |-Master of Engineering in Telecommunications – A Packet discarding strategy in Asynchronous transfer Mode ATM data network – Queuing theory |-Bachelor of engineering in Information Technology with First class honour - AI Machine Learning in electrical fault diagnostic networks |-Thesis Proposal for potential supervisor in Mathematics: Ethical AI Systems - Harmonizing Autonomy and Communal Responsibility | ===== Research Interest ===== | |Confucianism – Buddhism – Taoism – Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM 儒釋道醫 | Five Virtues of Confucius: Humanity-Justice-Etiquette-Wisdom-Trust 儒家五常:仁義禮智信 | Buddhism Five aggregates systems of human mind 釋j家五蘊系統 | Taoism Taichi Yin-Yang Five Elements Trinity i±1 System 道家陰陽五行天地人系統 | Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM differential diagnosis-cure process 中醫辨證論治系統, | Five Elements Systemic Healthcare Mental-Emotional-Physical-Behavoural-Spiritual 五行健康系統養生-養性-修心-修身-修行-靈修 | Integral East-West Systems Thinking 融合東西方系統思維 | Ethical AI Systems 倫理人工智能系統 | Five-elements Society System EMSCE 五行社會系統: Economics-Management-Social-Cultural-Environmental 經濟-管理-社會-文化-環境, | |
2024 July 14 0

Our Team

By Tomas 黃炎

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2023 June 23 0

6Ws Learning 六何法 學習法 – Learning how to learn 學會學習

By Tomas 黃炎

六何法,又稱6W分析法或5W1H,即何人(Who)、何時(When)、何事(What)、何地(Where)、為何(Why)及如何(How)。 Our six senses determine our ways of learning: 六何法,以天地人分類法: 天 Heaven:何時(When) 果(Effect),如何(How)變化(Changes),為何(Why)因(Cause) 人 Human:何人(Who) 地 Earth:何地(Where),何事(What)