2018 Workshop 工作坊: International Society for the Systems Sciences ISSS 62th conference Health and Systems Thinking Special Integration Group SIG Sunday Workshop #isss62 國際系統科學協會第62屆國際研討會健康與系統思維特別整合分組工作坊
2018 March 30 0 By Tomas 黃炎
Systems Basics: Learning from the principles embedded in Nature to optimize the principles affecting human concentrations and consciousness – the systems thinking of the Eastern Five Aggregates Human Mind system as taught by Buddha
系統論基礎工作坊:從學習自然界法則來優化影響專注力及意識的法則 – 藉以理解人類思想的系統性與佛學五蘊的東方系統思維Systems Basics: Learning from the principles embedded in Nature to optimize the principles affecting Insomnia and consciousness – the systems thinking in the Eastern Taichi Yin-Yang Five Elements system in Traditional Chinese Medicine
系統論基礎工作坊:從學習自然界法則來優化影響失眠及意識的法則 – 藉以理解人類身體的系統性與中醫藥學之太極陰陽五行天地人的東方系統思維
ISSN: 1999-6918
Call for Papers: Theme — Innovation and Optimization in Nature and Design
The 2018 ISSS Conference will explore foundational discoveries about the nature of complex systems which are now arising from research in systems disciplines such as Systems Biology, Systems Medicine, Systems Psychology, Systems Economics, Complexity Science and General Systems Research.
Over the last few decades many academic fields have developed systems specializations in order to investigate the systemic aspects of their subject areas, and in these areas there is a search for systems concepts and principles under such notions as design principles, organizing principles, channelling functions, and optimality principles. The 2018 Conference of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS) will bring together these specialised strands of work, laying foundations for establishing the profound systems science that would enable us to design and optimize for elegant functionality and enduring value at any level of complexity.
We invite abstracts for presentation of papers, posters and workshops about the conference theme specifically or in connection with the themes of the ISSS’s Systems Integration Groups (SIGs) and Exploratory Groups, which are listed below.
About The Author
| Research Engineer, Health Educator. 研發工程師,養生教育工作者. | |-Bachelor of Medicine in Traditional Chinese Medicine – General Practice and TCM R&D |-Master of Engineering in Telecommunications – A Packet discarding strategy in Asynchronous transfer Mode ATM data network – Queuing theory |-Bachelor of engineering in Information Technology with First class honour - AI Machine Learning in electrical fault diagnostic networks |-Thesis Proposal for potential supervisor in Mathematics: Ethical AI Systems - Harmonizing Autonomy and Communal Responsibility | ===== Research Interest ===== | |Confucianism – Buddhism – Taoism – Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM 儒釋道醫 | Five Virtues of Confucius: Humanity-Justice-Etiquette-Wisdom-Trust 儒家五常:仁義禮智信 | Buddhism Five aggregates systems of human mind 釋j家五蘊系統 | Taoism Taichi Yin-Yang Five Elements Trinity i±1 System 道家陰陽五行天地人系統 | Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM differential diagnosis-cure process 中醫辨證論治系統, | Five Elements Systemic Healthcare Mental-Emotional-Physical-Behavoural-Spiritual 五行健康系統養生-養性-修心-修身-修行-靈修 | Integral East-West Systems Thinking 融合東西方系統思維 | Ethical AI Systems 倫理人工智能系統 | Five-elements Society System EMSCE 五行社會系統: Economics-Management-Social-Cultural-Environmental 經濟-管理-社會-文化-環境, | https://gravatar.com/edu1a1a10c906ec |