Mind Maps re-organization according to Taichi Yin-Yang Five Elements Trinity Systems Theory 心智圖創新綜合設計理論Project ID: 2019-001HK1.0
2019 January 03 0 By Tomas 黃炎Mind Maps re-organization according to Taichi Yin-Yang Five Elements Trinity Systems Theory
Project ID: 2019-004HK1.0
Mind maps: give us a visual representation of what is in our mind. Different mind maps nowadays exists one the Internet either off-line or on-line.
Help professionals to organize ideas in their heads, but also help student to understand existing concepts and knowledges. But can mind maps capture all the possible ideas in our mind? or even our conscisous? What features should exists? What kind of structure? What kinds of relationships? What kind of dynamic systems? What kind of behaviour? What kind of storage? What kind of perspectives? What kind of Hierarchy? Nested? Binary Tree? Complex Structure! Systemic Structure! Taichi Yin-Yang Five elements Trinity Systemic structure!
Xmind Professional & Powerful Mind Mapping Software
List of concept mapping and mind mapping software – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
About The Author
| Research Engineer, Health Educator. 研發工程師,養生教育工作者. | |-Bachelor of Medicine in Traditional Chinese Medicine – General Practice and TCM R&D |-Master of Engineering in Telecommunications – A Packet discarding strategy in Asynchronous transfer Mode ATM data network – Queuing theory |-Bachelor of engineering in Information Technology with First class honour - AI Machine Learning in electrical fault diagnostic networks |-Thesis Proposal for potential supervisor in Mathematics: Ethical AI Systems - Harmonizing Autonomy and Communal Responsibility | ===== Research Interest ===== | |Confucianism – Buddhism – Taoism – Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM 儒釋道醫 | Five Virtues of Confucius: Humanity-Justice-Etiquette-Wisdom-Trust 儒家五常:仁義禮智信 | Buddhism Five aggregates systems of human mind 釋j家五蘊系統 | Taoism Taichi Yin-Yang Five Elements Trinity i±1 System 道家陰陽五行天地人系統 | Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM differential diagnosis-cure process 中醫辨證論治系統, | Five Elements Systemic Healthcare Mental-Emotional-Physical-Behavoural-Spiritual 五行健康系統養生-養性-修心-修身-修行-靈修 | Integral East-West Systems Thinking 融合東西方系統思維 | Ethical AI Systems 倫理人工智能系統 | Five-elements Society System EMSCE 五行社會系統: Economics-Management-Social-Cultural-Environmental 經濟-管理-社會-文化-環境, | https://gravatar.com/edu1a1a10c906ec |