Five Elements Systemic Healthcare 五行養生法

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2024 June 12 0

Evaluating the Acute and Chronic Systemic Impacts of COVID-19 from a Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective: An Evidence-Based Approach [full paper]

By Tomas 黃炎

Abstract  The COVID-19 pandemic has elicited various systemic health impacts, which were particularly observed during our intensive Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) interventions in Hong Kong. This study focuses on the application of TCM diagnostic and therapeutic processes on patients long...

2024 June 11 0

2024 ISSS Health and Systems Thinking SIG Meeting: Integrating Eastern Wisdom into Systems Science – Share Your Journey (2-Hour Workshop)

By Tomas 黃炎

Abstract My journey into the profound realms of Chinese systems theory, encompassing Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM...

2024 June 09 0

Exploring Systems Thinking Through the Lens of Yin-Yang: Can We Ever Not Use It? (Pre-conference Full-Day 9h Workshop)

By Tomas 黃炎

Abstract For over six decades, the International Society for Systems Sciences (ISSS) has championed the cause of systems theory, striving...

Meditation for Scientists: MiniAnapanaForAll 迷你觀息法

科學中的藝術 The Art of Science

與時間同步 Synchronization

Work of the Famous 名人之作

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2019 June 27 0

The Cynefin Framework: another way to deal with things, problem, situations, and crisis. Cynefin框架:領導者的決策

By Tomas 黃炎

  Cynefin Framework is very intelligent methodology to handle objects, problems, situations, and crisis. Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM has been using this for thousands of years, but SNOWDEN has it...


#ISSS65 國際系統科學協會第65屆國際研討會 #ISSS2021 (7) Acupuncture and Moxibustion 針灸 (11) Ancient-Modern East-West systems thinkings 古今中西系統思維 (10) Ancient Balance Medicine Association Library Collection 古中醫學會圖書館藏書 (21) Chinese wisdom 中華智慧 (5) Cold-Hot spectrum 寒熱譜 (9) Complex systems 複合系統 (6) Confucianism - Buddhism - Taoism - Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM 儒釋道醫 (10) Confucianism 儒家思想 (11) Confucius Golden Mean 儒家中庸之道 (5) Deficient-Excess spectrum 虛實譜 (8) Economic systems 經濟系統 (8) Five aggregates systems of human mind 五蘊系統 (14) General Systems Theory GST 廣義系統論 (44) Happiness 快樂 (5) Health and systems thinking Special Integration Groups SIG 健康與系統思維特別整合分組 (12) Heaven-Earth-Human Chinese-Trinity 天地人三才 (8) Homeopathy 順勢療法 同類療法 (6) I Ching / Yi Jin / Zhou Yi 易經 周易 (6) Innovation 創新 (5) Integral East-West Systems Thinking 融合東西方系統思維 (8) Mathematics 數學 道象理數 算術 (51) Mentor-Successor Education System 師徒教育系統 (7) Perspective 識-觀點 (5) Real Happiness 真正開心快樂 (6) Reductionism 還原論 簡化論 (7) Schemas Theory 模式論 (31) Science and Civilization in China 中國科學技術史 (27) Second law of thermodynamics 熱力學第二定律 (6) Set theory 集理論 集合理論 (6) Superficial-Internal spectrum 表裏譜 (6) Systems Engineering 系統工程學 (27) Systems Thinking ST 整體觀,系統論 (16) Taichi Yin-Yang Five Elements Trinity i±1 System 陰陽五行天地人系統 (13) Taichi Yin-Yang System Theory 太極陰陽系統論 (15) Taoism/Daoism 道家思想 (9) Teaching of Buddha 佛陀的教導 (10) Traditional Chinese culture 中華文化 (9) Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM differential diagnosis-cure process 中醫辨證論治系統 (21) Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM Engineering 中醫藥工程學 (37) Traditional Chinese Medicine TCM 中醫學 (29) Unification of nature and man 天人合一 (8) Vipassana 內觀靜坐 (8) Yin-Yang Five Elements i ± 1 System 陰陽五行天地人系統 (6) Yin-Yang Five Elements System 陰陽五行系統 (8)

Chinese Systems Thinking 陰陽五行系統思維

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2024 June 12 0

Evaluating the Acute and Chronic Systemic Impacts of COVID-19 from a Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective: An Evidence-Based Approach [full paper]

By Tomas 黃炎

Abstract  The COVID-19 pandemic has elicited various systemic health impacts, which were particularly observed during our intensive Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) interventions in Hong Kong. This study focuses on the application of TCM diagnostic and therapeutic processes on patients long...

2024 June 11 0

2024 ISSS Health and Systems Thinking SIG Meeting: Integrating Eastern Wisdom into Systems Science – Share Your Journey (2-Hour Workshop)

By Tomas 黃炎

Abstract My journey into the profound realms of Chinese systems theory, encompassing Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM...

2024 June 09 0

Exploring Systems Thinking Through the Lens of Yin-Yang: Can We Ever Not Use It? (Pre-conference Full-Day 9h Workshop)

By Tomas 黃炎

Abstract For over six decades, the International Society for Systems Sciences (ISSS) has championed the cause of systems theory, striving...

2023 June 23 0

6Ws Learning 六何法 學習法 – Learning how to learn 學會學習

By Tomas 黃炎

六何法,又稱6W分析法或5W1H,即何人(Who)、何時(When)、何事(What)、何地(Where)、為何(Why)及如何(How)。 Our six senses determine our ways of learning: 六何法,以天地人分類法: 天 Heaven:何時(When) 果(Effect),如何(How)變化(Changes),為何(Why)因(Cause) 人 Human:何人(Who) 地 Earth:何地(Where),何事(What)

2024 July 14 0

Our Team

By Tomas 黃炎

Search TagX on Google View all posts tagged as Tagx Find TagX related info in WikiPedia Meet Our Team John…

2023 June 23 0

6Ws Learning 六何法 學習法 – Learning how to learn 學會學習

By Tomas 黃炎

六何法,又稱6W分析法或5W1H,即何人(Who)、何時(When)、何事(What)、何地(Where)、為何(Why)及如何(How)。 Our six senses determine our ways of learning: 六何法,以天地人分類法: 天 Heaven:何時(When) 果(Effect),如何(How)變化(Changes),為何(Why)因(Cause) 人 Human:何人(Who) 地 Earth:何地(Where),何事(What)

2021 November 16 0

伤寒论理论与实践 ISBN:9787117120166

By Librarian

Author:  郝万山//李赛美 Pages:275 Genre(s): , Publisher: 人民卫生 Subject: Country: Publication Year:2009 Edition Finished? No Signed? No   Description 《伤寒论理论与实践》讲述了:主治心下痞的5个泻心汤,在当今临床上常用于治疗哪些疾病呢?在此,重点应该掌握两个核心方剂,即大黄黄连泻心汤和半夏泻心汤,因为这两个方剂在临床中有十分广泛的应用,具有重要临床价值。其他3方皆由此化裁而来。 导论 第一章 《伤寒论>辨证方法研究与实践 第一节 六经辨证研究…