Publications 論文

Papers published by our group of researchers



系統老齡化政策一– 個全球性問題的古今中外系統科學與系統應用 [Full Paper]. 
Proceedings of the 66th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS).

WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎. (2022b). Systemic practice on covid-19 patients with Traditional Chinese Medicine – 中醫藥學於新冠病毒病人的系統應用 [Full Paper]. Proceedings of the 66th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS).

WONG TSL, GRATHOFF Annette, EC Tomas 黃炎. (2022c). Understanding consciousness – cognition emotion behaviour – an Ancient-Modern East-West Systemic PERSPECTIVE. 以一個古今中外系統觀點理解意識 – 認知-情緒-行爲 [Workshop 2h]. Proceedings of the 66th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS).

WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎. (2022d). The complexity and directions of Ancient-Modern East-West systems thinking 探討古今中西系統思維的複合性與發展性 [Workshop 9h 45m]. Proceedings of the 66th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS).



COVID-19 home stay


WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎. OUR JOURNEY FROM TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE TO GENERAL SYSTEMS THEORIES – THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTEGRAL ANCIENT-MODERN EAST-WEST SYSTEMS THINKING  Proceedings of the 63rd Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS), Vol 1, No 1 (2019), Oregon, US. ISSN: 1999-6918



WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎. (2018b). Systems Basics: Learning from the principles embedded in Nature to develop Integral East-West Systems Thinking – a Case Study of Schemas Theory系統論基礎工作坊:從學習自然界法則來融合東西方系統思維 基模論的探討

[Workshop]. Proceedings of the 62th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS). Corvallis, USA

WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎. (2018c). Systems Basics: Learning from the principles embedded in Nature to optimize the principles affecting Insomnia and consciousness – the systems thinking in the Eastern Taichi Yin-Yang Five Elements system in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the Five Aggregate Human Mind System by Buddha[Workshop]Proceedings of the 62th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS). Corvallis, USA

WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎. (2018d). Systems Basics: Learning from the principles embedded in Nature to optimize the principles affecting Insomnia and consciousness – the systems thinking in the Eastern Taichi Yin-Yang Five Elements system in Traditional Chinese Medicine 系統論基礎工作坊:從學習自然界法則來優化影響失眠及意識的法則 藉以理解人類身體的系統性與中醫藥學之太極陰陽五行天地人的東方系統思維 [Workshop]Proceedings of the 62th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS). Corvallis, USA


WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎. (2017). Systems Basics: Systemic solutions with evidence-based medicine for better concentrations – the systems thinking for everyone’s mind through the teaching of Buddha on the eastern systems science of Five Aggregates 系統論基礎工作坊:循證醫學提高專注力 [Workshop 4h]. Proceedings of the 61th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS). Vienna, Austria.

WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎. (2017). Title [Full Paper TBP]. Proceedings of the 61th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS). Vienna, Austria.

WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎. (2017). Title [Full Paper TBP]. Proceedings of the 61th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS). Vienna, Austria.


WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎. Systems Basics Workshop:

1. Systems Basics in Understanding System Wholeness “Reuniting Nature and Humanity”: The Oriental Systems Thinking in the teaching of Buddha. 系統論基礎工作坊之一:佛學的東方系統思維 – 以天人合一理解系統完整性 #2865

2. WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎. Systems Basics in Understanding System Wholeness “Reuniting Nature and Humanity”: The Oriental Systems Thinking in Traditional Chinese Medicine 系統論基礎工作坊之二:中醫藥學的東方系統思維 – 以天人合一理解系統完整性 #2866


WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎.  (2016a) , Synthesising Traditional Chinese Medicine and Engineering through Systems Engineering: Traditional Chinese Medicine Engineering [Full paper]. 以系統工程學綜合中醫藥與工程學 – 中醫藥工程學 Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS), Vol 1, No 1 (2016), Boulder, US. ISSN: 1999-6918

WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎.  (2016b) Five elements systemic healthcare program for physically strong emotionally happy mentally kind behaviorally charitable and spiritually enlightened – Reuniting Nature and Humanity 五行養生法之修身健康、修心受樂、慈悲養性、修行為善、正見靈修、以體現天人合一。[Abstract presentation]


  1. SIG: HEALTH AND SYSTEM THINKING: Physical Healthcare  健康與系統思維特別融合小組:修身健康 #2867

  2. SIG: HEALTH AND SYSTEM THINKING: Spiritual Healthcare  健康與系統思維特別融合小組:正見靈修 #2868

  3. SIG: HEALTH AND SYSTEM THINKING: THE QUEST FOR A GENERAL SYSTEM THEORY FOR ANY PARTICULAR PERSPECTIVE – “Unity in Diversity as a natural principle”  健康與系統思維特別融合小組:尋找適用於任何一個觀點的廣義系統論 – 以多元性合一作為自然法則 #2869


WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎.  (2015a) From System Basics to Anthropocene – the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine and of the teaching of Buddha. Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the ISSS – 2015 Berlin, Germany. 

WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎 (2015b) Anthropocene within the human body system – the perspective of Modern Invasive Medicine and that of Traditional Balancing Chinese Medicine. Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the ISSS – 2015 Berlin, Germany. 

Abstract Presentation:

WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎 (2015c) Systemic resolutions for the reductionistic conflicts – Harmony is of utmost importance [Abstract Presentation]. Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the ISSS – 2015 Berlin, Germany. 

Poster Presentation:

WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎 (2015d) SIG: HEALTH AND SYSTEM THINKING. Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the ISSS – 2015 Berlin, Germany. 

WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎 (2015e) SIG: SPIRITUALITY AND SYSTEMS. Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the ISSS – 2015 Berlin, Germany. 



WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎(2014a) 系統論基礎工作坊: 中醫系統理論與實踐與現代系統理論與實踐之關係探討,跨越系統邊界之學習。System Basics: Exploring the Relationship between traditional Chinese Systemic Theory and Practice, and the modern systemic theory and practice, for a comparative learning across the boundaries. [Workshop] Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the ISSS – 2014 Washington DC, USA.

WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎 (2014b) Synthesizing Traditional Chinese Medicine and Engineering through system engineering – Traditional Chinese Medicine Engineering [Abstract Presentation]. Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the ISSS – 2014 Washington DC, USA.27-31July 1014. Also available: 

WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎(2014c) THE APPLICATION OF SET THEORY AND FUZZY LOGIC TO ENHANCE THE MENTOR-SUCCESSOR EDUCATION SYSTEM – the succession of Traditional Chinese Medicine, systemic practice and the teaching of Buddha [Abstract Presentation]




WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎 (2012a) 

ISSS 2012 San Jose, USA. Workshop: Systems Theory and our Minds: The search for the beginning of natural systems in human history Abstract Presentation: How To Survive 2012 or Any Other Disaster… Mentally? Workshop – Health and Systems Thinking: How to Service our First Natural System in a Systemic Way  TAX IRD Compliment

WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎 (2012b) Does your body type need to consult a Chinese Medicine Practitioner? 你的體質需要睇中醫嗎? Chinese Medicine Talk Series 中醫講座系列 Inland Revenue Department Sports Association 香港稅務局體育會, Wan Chai, Hong Kong 2013.12 Available at  

WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎 (2012c) 古中醫之現代思路與臨床-當醫、易、太極遇上資訊科技 The Modern Thinking and Clinical Application of Ancient Chinese Medicine – when medicine, I Ching and Taichi meets Information Technology. 中醫持續進修課程 Chinese Medicine Practitioner Continue Professional Education Program, 香港註冊中醫學會 Hong Kong Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioners AssociationNorth Point, Hong Kong. Available at

KLEIN Louis; WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎(2012d). The Yin and Yang of Changes: Systemic Efficacy in Change Management [Full Paper]. Leadership through the Classics: Learning Management and Leadership from Ancient East and West Philosophy,  International Conference on Leadership and Management in a Changing World:Lessons from Ancient East and West Philosophy? Athens, Greece, 12-14 June 2011, p475-486 Part VII Chapter 32. Also published in Leadership through the Classics: Learning Management and Leadership from Ancient East and West Philosophy, Edited by: Gregory Prastacos, Fuming Wang and Klas Eric Soderquist Published by Springer; ISBN: 978-3-642-32444-4 (Print), 978-3-642-32445-1 (Online) Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelbery 2012


WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎 (2011a). The Bio-energetic information medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine – the Yin and Yang medicine. 生物能信息醫學與中醫學 – 陰性與陽性醫學[Full Paper]. The Sixth International Bio-energetic Information Medicine Conference 第六屆國際生物能信息醫學大會, Taipei, Taiwan 2011.) Available at 

WONG TSL, KAN, Man Lok, EC Tomas 黃炎 (2011b). -How good is your mind? – The body light and your mind.以靈光測試定力 [Full Paper]. The Sixth International Bio-energetic Information Medicine Conference 第六屆國際生物能信息醫學大會, Taipei, Taiwan 2011. Available at

WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎 (2010c) ISSS 2011 Hull, United KingdomWorkshop: System Theory and Our Mind Workshop: Traditional Chinese Medicine Healthcare Protection Program


WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎 (2010a) Entropy debt, Entropy cycling and Karma – the teaching of Buddha in terms of system theory. [Abstract] 54th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences – Governance for a Resilient Planet. Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada 18–23 July 2010. Available at:

WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎 (2010b) System theory and our mind – the concentration and purification technique for our mind as taught by Buddha, a mental healthcare protection program for the harmonic governance for a resilient planet. [Workshop] 54th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences – Governance for a Resilient Planet. Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada 18–23 July 2010. Available at:  

WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎 (2010c) The quest for a general information gathering process for diagnosis at the macroscopic level and the microscopic level – the Traditional Chinese Medicine eight principle differential diagnostic-cure process. [Abstract] 54th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences – Governance for a Resilient Planet. Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada 18–23 July 2010. Available at:

WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎 (2010d) Traditional Chinese Medicine Healthcare Protection Program – a possible missing component in the systemic thinking of the health governance for a resilient planet. [Workshop] 54th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences – Governance for a Resilient Planet. Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada 18–23 July 2010. Available at:



WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎 (2009a). Living with the environment, not against the environment: the ancient Chinese system theory on sustainability [Poster Presentation]. 31th AACMA Australasian Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Annual Conference. Melbourne, Australia 22 – 24 May 2009.

WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎 (2009b). Building resilience by balancing the turbulent world – the ancient Taichi Yin-Yang system and control theory [Poster Presentation]. 31th AACMA Australasian Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Annual Conference. Melbourne, Australia 22 – 24 May 2009.

WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎 (2009c). System theory against SARS and H5N1 – the system view of the human body by traditional Chinese medicine differential diagnosis-cure process [Poster Presentation]. 31th AACMA Australasian Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Annual Conference. Melbourne, Australia 22 – 24 May 2009.

WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎 (2009d). Modern lifestyle with traditional Chinese medicine healthcare protection – the practical daily living tips [Poster Presentation]. 31th AACMA Australasian Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Annual Conference. Melbourne, Australia 22 – 24 May 2009. WONG, T S L; HUANG, Yan (2009). Simple TCM diet healthcare protection with the cold-hot food spectrum – an easy to follow diet for modern people [Poster Presentation]. 31th AACMA Australasian Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Annual Conference. Melbourne, Australia 22 – 24 May 2009.

WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎 (2009e). Fully open and close 21 forms TCM exercise therapy: the complete exercise for the busy and the lazy [Workshop]. 31th AACMA Australasian Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Annual Conference. Melbourne, Australia 22 – 24 May 2009.

WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎 (2009f) The Liveable and Sustainable Spirituality System – the Buddha’s view and the systemic view on heaven, earth, hell, and liberation. [Abstract] 53rd Meeting of The International Society for the Systems Sciences – Making Liveable, Sustainable Systems Unremarkable. University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia 12–17 July 2009. Available at:

WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎 (2009g) Which came first, the chicken or the egg? – The investigation with ancient and modern system theories for the origin of existence. [Abstract] 53rd Meeting of The International Society for the Systems Sciences – Making Liveable, Sustainable Systems Unremarkable. University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia 12–17 July 2009. Available at:


WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎 (2008a) THE QUEST FOR A GENERAL SYSTEM THEORY FOR ANY PARTICULAR PERSPECTIVE – does it ever exist or has it been there all the time?[Full paper] Australia and New Zealand system Society’s ANZSYS conference 2008. Edith Cowan University (ECU), Perth, Western Australia, Australia, 1 -2 December 2008. Available at: 

WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎 (2008b) Real life or death application of system theory – the 2000 years daily decision making experience of Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners E C. [Abstract] 52nd Meeting of The International Society for the Systems Sciences – Systems that make a difference. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA 13–18 July 2008. Available at:

WONG TSL; Prof. Jotin KHISTY; Timothy A GOLDEN, EC Tomas 黃炎(2008c) The System and Control Theory in the Vipassana Meditation of the Noble Eightfold Path as taught by Buddha – Understanding Meditation with the Taichi Yin-Yang System in Modern Terminologies. [Full Paper] 52nd Meeting of The International Society for the Systems Sciences – Systems that make a difference. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 13–18 July 2008. Available at:   Presentation:

WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎and others (200d). The modern clinical application of Aconitum carmichaeli Debs 熟附子的現代臨床應用, 2008年名老中醫暨高級藥劑師國際論壇珠海中國 . Wong, T.S.L.; Huang Yan and others. (2008). The development of cold and flu into nasal and skin allergies – the insight with good and evil yin-yang chart. [Poster Presentation]. 30th AACMA Australasian Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Annual Conference. Sydney, Australia 23 – 25 May 2008.

WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎, and others. (2008e). Over-control vs regulation in traditional Chinese medicine differential diagnosis-cure process – the aim of control, the aim of life. [Poster Presentation]. 30th AACMA Australasian Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Annual Conference. Sydney, Australia 23 – 25 May 2008.

WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎, and others. (2008f). A methodology for the integration of ancient and modern system theories – the portal for the 2000 years old Taichi yin-yang system theory. [Poster Presentation]. 30th AACMA Australasian Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Annual Conference. Sydney, Australia 23 – 25 May 2008.



WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎and others. (2007a). The modern logic of the TCM differential diagnostic process 辨證論治的現代邏輯 [Oral Paper]. 29th AACMA Australasian Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Annual Conference. Brisbane, Australia 18 – 20 May 2007.

WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎, and others (2007b). The Taichi Yin-Yang system: the theory of TCM, the theory of everything 太極陰陽系統-中醫理論以及萬有理論 [Poster Presentation]. 29th AACMA Australasian Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Annual Conference. Brisbane, Australia 18 – 20 May 2007.

WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎and others (2007c). Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine practitioners fight together against H5N1 禽流感來勢洶洶-中西兩線迎戰世紀病毒H5N1 [Poster Presentation]. 29th AACMA Australasian Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Annual Conference. Brisbane, Australia 18 – 20 May 2007.

WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎 (2007d) Over-control vs Regulation in Traditional Chinese Medicine Differential Diagnosis-cure Process – the aim of control, the aim of life [Poster presentation]. 51st Meeting of The International Society for the Systems Sciences – Integrated systems sciences: systems thinking, modeling and practice. Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan 5–10 August 2007. Available at:

WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎 Pavlika, Vasos and others (2007e) A methodology for the integration of ancient and modern system theories – the portal for the 2000 year old Taichi Yin-Yang system theory. 51st Meeting of The International Society for the Systems Sciences – Integrated systems sciences: systems thinking, modeling and practice. Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan 5–10 August 2007. Available at


WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎and others (2006). The treatment of modern flu in Hong Kong with Ephedra related classical Traditional Chinese Medicine formulae 麻黃類經方在香港治療現代流感的我見healthcare and treatment on respiratory disease 2006(香港)國際中醫防治流感學術大會呼吸系統疾病學術研討會, Hong Kong Chinese Medical Journal 1(2):34-37, Hong Kong.


WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎, and others (2005a). Traditional Chinese Medicine Diet – the food dictionary 中醫食療字典, ISBN 978-988-985-865-0, Copyright Ancient Balance Medicine Education Center Ltd., Hong Kong 版權所有 古中醫教育中心有限公司(香港).

WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎 (2005b-2009) 中醫養生生活小貼士 Traditional Chinese Medicine Healthcare Lifestyle Tips,百佳超級市場 百佳生活頻道-醫師與你 內廣播 Board Broadcast in ParknShop Radio Talk – E C and You, ParknShop,香港 Hong Kong, 2005-2009


TCM exercise therapy 舉鼎WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎 (2003-now) 中庸功-古中醫太極全開合21式 The Middle-Path Exercise Therapy – Ancient Balance Medicien Taichi Fully Open and Close 21 Form,中醫養生防護課程工作坊 TCM Healthcare Protection Program Workshop,銅鑼灣 Causeway Bay,香港 Hong Kong



WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎 (1999-now). 


WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎 (1996). A Packet Discard Strategy for Congestion Control of Asynchronous Transfer Mode Data Networks. Telecommunications Engineering Master Degree Thesis by Research. Network Research Laboratory, Australian Telecommunications Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia, Australia 1996.


MERCANKOSK, Guven, WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎 (1995). Packet Discard Strategies for Data Traffic.Australian Telecommunications Networks & Applications Conference ATNAC’95  pp.127-131,, Sydney, Australia, 11-13 December 1995.


HULLETT, John Prof.; WONG TSL, MERCANKOSK Guven Dr.; BUDRIKIS Zigmantas Prof, WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎(1994a). Packet Discard Strategy for Congestion Control of ATM Data Networks. Australian Telecommunications Networks & Applications Conference ATNAC ’94, Melbourne, December 5-7, 1994.

MERCANKOSK Guven Dr.; WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎(1994b). Modelling of a Packet Discard Strategy for Data Traffic. Australian Telecommunications Networks & Applications Conference ATNAC ’94, Vol 1,pp.369-373, Melbourne, Australia, December 5-7, 1994.


WONG TSL, EC Tomas 黃炎 (1992). Machine Learning in Electrical Network Fault Diagnosis. Information Technology Engineering 1st Class Honour Degree Thesis,  Artificial Intelligence and Power System Research Group, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia, Australia 1992.

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