三國演義 Three Kingdoms – A Historical Novel 天下大勢,分久必合,合久必分。
2016 May 23三國演義 Three Kingdoms – A Historical Novel
天下大勢,分久必合,合久必分 。
The main trend under the haven is that
what has been long divided, must unite;
what has been long united, must divide.
“The empire, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide. Thus it has even been.”
I Ching:
Yin and Yang are opposite to each other but unite in one direction.
Change is the real permanent golden rule.
太極 Taichi:天地之間的萬事萬物。
All the objects and events between Heaven and Earth.
陰Yin:合 Unite, Unity… 陽Yang:分 Divide, Diversity…
Unity in Diversity 求同存異。博大精深。見微知著。對立統一。