Traditional Chinese Medicine and Bio-energetic Information Medicine – the Yin and Yang Medicine 中醫學与生物能信息醫學 – 陰性与陽性醫學
2011 January 23Traditional Chinese Medicine
Bio-energetic Information Medicine
– the Yin and Yang Medicine
中醫學与生物能信息醫學 – 陰性与陽性醫學
Ancient Balance Medicine Education Center Ltd 古中醫教育中心
Ancient Balance Medicine Research Institute 古中醫研究所
Published in The Sixth International
Bio-energetic Information Medicine Conference
第六屆國際生物能信息醫學大會, Taipei, Taiwan 2011
Abstract 摘要
Bio-energetic information medicine has been around for hundreds of years, however, it is still a relatively new concept and medicine to the general public, who has been brought up with modern scientific education. Information technology changed the face of bio-energetic information medicine from mystical homeopathy and kinesiology into electronic remedy imprint and Electro dermal screening. As a result, more people encountered bio-energetic information medicine and were benefited from it. Practically it works, but theoretically it does not sound in the viewpoint of modern medicine. As a result, the ability of bio-energetic information medicine were also abused with false claims. The general public become confused and hence the search for a unified theory for the classification of all the different kinds of medicine is urgently required. This paper employed the simple concepts of energy, matter, and information for the illustration of what bio-energetic information medicine is, how it works and most importantly, how to choose for oneself. The fundamental practical theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine are Differential diagnosis-cure process and holistic point of view. They are both proposed for the unification of the practical part of the theory of medicines.
Introduction 引言
Humans have been surviving on this planet for more than two hundred thousand years already. Our bodies have the ability to survive different seasons and different environments in all geographical locations. Our behavior also causes changes to the habitat around us. Obviously, our bodies have some kind of self adopting and self healing mechanism within. However, history has also told us that these mechanisms may be inefficient, or even out of order, in some special situations. Medicine has hence developed in our culture to increase our health, lifespan, population and the efficiency of our bodies.
The Human body requires both energy and matters to survive, which are called the Yang and the Yin respectively in Chinese culture. We get the matter from our food and part of it is transformed into the energy we need. We also obtain our energy from the sun and our environment.
Medicine achieves its goal by manipulating the energy and matter in our body. The Yin kind of medicine uses matter to manipulate matter, and hence affect the matter and energy in our body. A classic example is the use of herbs and massage. The Yang kind of medicine manipulates our energy and hence affects the energy and matter in our body. Classic examples are acupuncture, Qi Gong and Homeopathy.
Modern western medical scientists try to explain the Yin medicine with Bio-chemistry and mechanical physics (but still cannot explain the reasoning behind Chinese herbs and other traditional medicine). In the last 60 years some front end scientists have tried to explain the Yang medicine with Bio-resonance.
Bio-resonance started 60 years ago with German scientist Dr. Reinhold Voll. He found that acupuncture points have lower electrical resistance than other parts of our body. The level of resistance of a particular acupuncture point also varies with our level of health. The amazing finding was that matter, like medical remedies, will also affect this level of resistance if it is present within the electrical circuit. The next exciting investigation revealed that putting the correct remedy on the electrical circuit had a healing effect to the human body. As a result, such machines can be used for both diagnosis and treatments. That is, it can be used to find the current health of our body, test for the effective treatment, and then provide a signal treatment. Further work found that a feedback route can stimulate our body to face its own problems.
生物能共振的研究始於60年前德國科學家阮厚德 . 傅爾醫生。他再次發現穴位比我們身體的其他部位有較低的電阻。某一穴位的電阻水平會因應我們的健康水平而有所不同。令人驚奇的發現是,如果有物質(如醫療藥劑)放在電路之內, 這個穴位的電阻水平也將被影響。下一個精彩的研究發現是:把正確的藥劑放在電路中會對人體有治療作用。因此,這種穴位電阻測量儀器可用於診斷和治療。也就是說,它可以用來找出我們身體的健康狀態,測試出一個有效的治療方法,然後提供一個信號治療。進一步的研究發現,一種反饋路徑可以刺激我們的身體去面對自己的某一個特定的問題。
The explanation of Bio-resonance by this group of front end scientists involves vibrations, photons, quantum physics, string-theory, electrical-magnetic frequencies (EMF), signal, homeopathy, energy healing, Fung Shui, energy fields, and natural energy to explain these phenomenon. Here Qi Gong will be used to present another view of how it works.
Qi 氣
Qi exists in every one of us and all the matter in our environment. The practice of Qi Gong, yoga, meditation or pray enhance our sensitivity to the Qi at a conscious level. However, our bodies sense Qi all the time at a sub-conscious level. This allows Yang medicine like Qi Gong to work on people who are insensitive of Qi at a conscious level. As a result, Yang medicine is theoretically effective for everyone, but the results are also affected by body sickness, dehydration and the level of electro-magnetic noise (signal to noise ratio) in the environment. People with electronic medical devices (pacemakers) implanted in their body should be careful of such diagnosis and treatments.
The good Qi, for example, the warmth from the sun, can help our bodies. However, bad Qi, for example, mobile phones and high power lines, can have negative effect on our body. The next question is what kind of energy is good for us. Let us examine this by studying another question first: what kind of matter is good for us, that is, the Yin medicine.
The Quantity, Quality and Nature of Energy, Matter and Information
The matter that have been found to be good for humans are mainly foods and medicines. However, having a lot of food or medicine obviously is not good for us, because it will cause indigestion. Therefore the quantity must be correct, but we still require good quality food or medicine, in order to obtain enough essence required from the quantity we can digest. Even with the proper quantity and quality, we have to find out whether or not the food or medicine is compatible with our body. That is, whether the nature of the food or medicine match the condition of our body. Therefore, the quantity, the quality and most importantly the nature of the matter must be correct. “Good matter” does not necessary means “good matter for me”.
With this understanding of “good matter for me”, we can now investigate the “good energy for me”. Having a lot of energy of any form including heat, light, mechanical, potential, gravitational, kinetic, chemical, electrical-magnetic or sound is obviously not good for us because it will cause different kinds of problems to our body, mainly in the form of internal burning. A good quality sun light lamp is one with low noise and stable output. But it is not not a “good energy for us” if we are trying to cool down our body to sleep. Therefore, once again the quantity, the quality and the nature of the energy must match the condition of our bodies.
We now understand the concepts of good matter and good energy for us, but there is a third “thing”. Before this “thing” is revealed, let us look at the famous wave theory of Alvin Toffler. The theory states that the first wave in human society was the Agricultural Revolution, started about 10,000 years ago, which provided the stable quantity and quality of food (matter) for us, fulfilling the hunger needs of our bodies and enabling population growth. The second wave was the Industrial Revolution, started in the 18th century, which provided the stable quantity and quality of power (energy) for us, fulfilling our warmth, hunger, sheltering and transportation needs of our bodies and our lives. The third wave is the Information Revolution happening nowadays, which provides the stable quantity and quality of information (signal) for us, enabling the development of our minds.
我們現在已經理解「對我好的」物質和能量之概念,但有第三種的「東西」需要理解。在揭曉這個東西之前,先讓我們看看著名的艾文‧托佛勒的「波理論」。該理論指出,人類社會的第一波是農業革命,大約 1萬年前開始,它提供了穩定的食物量和質(物質),滿足了我們身體飢餓的需要,使人口得以增長。第二波是工業革命,開始於 18世紀,它提供了穩定的動力量和質(能量),滿足了我們的身體和生活上的溫暖,飢餓,庇護和運輸的需求。第三波是信息革命,它發生在今天並為我們 提供了穩定的信息量與質(信號),使我們的思想得以發展。
The next “thing” we want to introduce is signal. It can be seen as the information we receive everyday, including news we see in newspapers, music we hear on the radio, the taste of food at home, the smell of fresh air from the sea breeze, the touch of warmth and the Electro-magnetic frequencies (Qi) from our mobile phone, and the sense of an incident from our memory. We get signals from all our senses including sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch and sensing memory. They all affect our bodies and minds (at a sub-conscious level much more than at a conscious level), and hence affecting our behavior.
Signal is not energy or matter, but at the same time it is composed of energy and/or matter. Signal do not exist on its own. It requires a carrier, which can be both matter and energy. It should be noted that matter reacts with other matter and energy. Energy also reacts with other energy and matter. But signal does not react with pure energy or pure matter. They only affect receivers in humans (observers) or systems which have the ability to sense, interpret, feel and react to the signal. Without receivers, signals do not exist. Energy and matter do. That is, signal does not act directly on us like energy and matter; they “suggest” our bodies to change ourselves!
Everyone knows that our bodies need matter (e.g. food) to survive. Most of us are convinced that we also need energy to survive, but not that many people realize that we need signal to survive. Without the sight signal of the shape of the stairs, it is very easy to fall. Without the sound signal of people’s voices, it is very hard to communicate. Without the touch signal, it is very hard to take something out of our pockets. Without the electrical-magnetic frequency we constantly received from our environment, namely the Schumann waves, it is very hard for us to stay healthy. It is said that the space shuttle and space stations have a device to simulate the Schumann waves of earth in order to maintain the health of the astronauts. Internal signals are also constantly exchanging between our brain and the rest of our body, without which we cannot move at all.
Now we ask ourselves the same question again: what is “good signal for me“? We investigate the answer in the same way. Firstly, too much quantity is a burden for us, which mainly appears as our tiredness to digest these signal. For example, there are lots of signals in the books stored in the library but getting all the signals is a big burden rather than a help. Signal with good quality means clear signal with low noise and no confusion. But a clear signal of the traffic lights is not “good for us” when we are reading a book at home, because the nature of the signal does not match the condition of our body or mind. Once again the proper quantity, quality and nature of the signal need to be correct in order to be a “good signal for me”.
The same theory applies to the “good signal treatment for my health”. Too much signal will suggest our bodies to do too much, and we will firstly feel very tired or even get sick. For example, giving a signal to detox all the toxins in our bodies may cause us to sick for a month! Good quality signal treatments may not be the signal we need. For example, a very good liver detox and repair program using a high quality signal device is not good for a patient with heavy flu. Good signal treatment must have the proper quantity, proper quality and proper nature that match the condition of our body and mind (e.g. emotions).
Living in this Information Age, the study of Information Technology is important. But what is more important is the direction of IT, which is felt should be the choice of the proper information for human kind, or the “good information for me“, both for the health of our bodies and for the health of our minds.
Traditional Chinese Medicine Differential diagnostic-cure process
In the development of the Yin and Yang medicine, at a basic level medicine uses external forces, while the advanced level medicine promotes the internal forces. The basic level medicine is to supply the energy and matter we need and to extract the excess rubbish energy and matter forcefully with strong remedies and mechanical forces. Hence at this level is Passive therapy. The advanced level medicine employs proper signal, in the form of energy or matter, to perform three kinds of tasks. Firstly, it balances the level of energy relative to the level of matter (Yang and Yin) within our body. Secondly, it promotes our ability to absorb the energy and matter we are deficient in. Lastly, it promotes our ability to discard the excess energy and matter. Hence at this level is Active therapy. That is, the advanced medicine goes to the next level to create signal for our body, suggesting our sub-conscious to change in the proper way, so that the self-healing mechanism will be effective again. Of course, in some situations the basic medicine is still very useful, but the minor and the major direction of medicine must be very clear. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) started at the basic level thousands of years ago to treat sickness, and entered the advanced level 2000 years ago to treat human conditions (states), after the establishment of the Differential Diagnostic-Cure Process [1].
Successful Yin or Yang medicine requires proper diagnosis and proper treatment to achieve optimum results. This is called Resonance, meaning absolute agreement. The body says, “this is exactly what I need.” Achieving this goal may involve different kinds of diagnostics and treatment methods from Yin or Yang medicine. The key to all this is to determine the current state of our bodies.
成功的陰性或陽性醫學需要適當的診斷和治療來取得最佳成果。這就是所謂的共振,這意味著絕對的協議。身體說:這正是我所需要的!實現這個目標可能涉及到要從陰性或陽性醫學中 選擇不同類型的診斷和治療方法。這一切的關鍵是要確定我們身體當前的狀態。
Diagnosis is about gathering the proper information and determining the proper conditions (states). A good lawyer does not ask all possible questions in a court; only the proper questions are asked. A good detective does not investigate all the possible clues; only the proper clues are investigated. A bio-resonance diagnostic device or EDS can gather a lot of information from our body, but having too much information is a burden rather than help. The technique is how to fill in the deficient information and get rid of the excess information.
診斷是正確地收集有關信息並確定當前的狀況(狀態)。一個好的律師並不會在法庭上詢問所有可以問的問題,只需問正確的問題。一個好的偵探不會調查所有可能的線索,只需向正確的線索進行調查。一個生物能信息診斷儀器(EDS / EAV)可以從我們的身體收集到大量的信息,但有太多的信息是一種負擔,而不是幫助。技巧是如何填「補」缺乏的信息和「瀉」出過剩的信息。
Having “good information” should result in the determination of the proper condition (state). Identifying the sickness will help, but it is thought the best description of the current condition of a body or of any system is the TCM state, which is best described by the Good & Evil Yin-Yang chart[2].
Treatment involves the choice of proper quantity, quality and nature that will match the TCM state. Matter, energy or signal can all be used in the wrong way. The TCM Golden Rule of Healing [2] states clearly how to match a current condition with the proper nature of matter, energy or signal. Traditional Chinese Medicine theory guides us on how to fix the problem in our body, rather than cover-up or transfer the problem. The guidelines give us a clear understanding of the difference between Suppressive and Supportive therapies, as well as the difference between Replacement and Encouraging therapies [3].
Remember the goal of medicine is to assist our own self-healing mechanism. However the time required to achieve this goal varies from person to person. The car service analogy can help us to understand this. Our cars need professional repair if a problem arises, but regular service is also required to maintain the car. A better made car requires fewer services than others, but how the car is used is also a factor. If the car is abused, it will, of course, need more regular services.
Our body is our most important asset and should be treated with priority. Apart from medicine, our lifestyle, our emotions, and our environment should also be accounted for. The following diagram illustrates all these relationships.
We are living in an Information Age with sophisticated electrical and electronic technologies. Therefore Bio-energetic Information Medicine, under the guidelines of Traditional Chinese Medicine becomes an extremely powerful system for improving the health of our bodies and minds, allowing us to achieve other tasks we should perform.
[1] Wong, T.S.L., Dr PAVLIKA V, and Huang E C. (2007d). A Methodology for the Integration of Ancient and Modern System Theories –the portal for the 2000yrs old Taichi Yin-Yang System Theory. 融合古今系統論的方法論– 二千年的太極陰陽系統之門戶ISSS 2008 ISSS 51nd annual meeting 國際系統科學協會第51屆週年會議. ,
[2] Wong, T.S.L. and others (2005). Traditional Chinese Medicine Diet – the food dictionary 中醫食療字典, ISBN 978-988-985-865-0, Ancient Balance Medicine Education Center 古中醫教育中心, Hong Kong.
[3] Wong, T.S.L.(TBP ). Over-control vs regulation in Traditional Chinese Medicine Differential Diagnosis-Cure process – the aim of control, the aim of life. 過度控制與中醫學辨證論治的調理 – 控制的意義以至生命的意義 To be published 未發表.